Category Archives: Roman Catholicism
The Bible alone: what does that mean in practice?
Indulgences continue
Hits and missives
Interchange, Sola Panel
Christ vs culture
Everyday Ministry
When I first became a Christian and went to a Protestant church, I noticed two things: one was that the church buildings were very small compared to Catholic churches, and the other was that everyone was different to me: they were in the main Anglo-saxon. Over the last 15 years, I have spent time in six churches, and our church buildings are still too small, and most of the people inside them are still Anglo-saxon.
St Mary or Sad Mistake?
Old Answers to New Questions
With Roman Catholicism proving increasingly attractive to some evangelicals, questions are being asked afresh about religious authority and the place of Scripture. Catholic apologists such as Scott Hahn are delivering an eloquent challenge to the traditional Protestant view of the authority of the Bible. This challenge is not new. Rob Smith highlights our need to rediscover how the Reformers dealt with these very challenges under the banner of Sola Scriptura. (more…)
Published Abroad: Wishful thinking
Top Shelf: Understanding Catholicism (Review)
Leon Theophilus’s top shelf of books critiquing and explaining Roman Catholicism.
It is hard to overemphasize the extraordinary nature of recent developments within Catholicism. In the name of unity and peace, the Pope now prays with Orthodox, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Animists from Africa, American Medicine men and other non-Christian leaders. And in the Protestant world we hear respected evangelical leaders minimizing those things that have historically divided Protestants and Catholics, even describing them as “petty differences”.1
Pope Fiction
A Hard Night’s Daze
A Hopeful Pope
Here we stand?
J. I. Packer, Os Guinness and Charles Colson have all signed it. John MacArthur labels it “destructive”. R. C. Sproul puts it down to “doctrinal apathy”.