Make the elephant visible

I recently read with interest an article in The Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend Magazine, entitled ‘Through Islamic Eyes’ (1 Dec 2001). It was a very enlightening article, but not in the way intended by the author. In fact, it shed little light on the nature of Islam but spoke volumes about life in today’s Australia.


The cross and Islam: An evangelistic starting point

In the slightly terrified new world after September 11, many of us have found that the time is ripe for Islamic evangelism—but not so much with Muslims as with our secular neighbours. The new prominence (and infamy) of Islam has brought the topic of religion and truth once again into everyday conversation with our friends and neighbours. Once again people are asking the big questions: Are all religions really the same? What do Muslims really believe? Are Islamic beliefs really consistent with our vision of a tolerant multicultural society? Is religion the real cause of war and conflict? And so on.


The secret meaning of Passover

As a Jewish Christian I have often been asked by churches at Easter to speak about the Jewish Passover or to perform a demonstration of one. Churches seem fascinated by it. It looks like it would be helpful background to understanding the Last Supper and therefore Jesus’ death.
