Category Archives: Doctrine
Standing for the creed
Couldn't Help Noticing
Dancing with wolves: When false teaching is too close for comfort
The novelty of words … becomes especially useful when the truth is to be asserted against false accusers, who evade it by their shifts. Of this today we have abundant experience in our great efforts to rout the enemies of pure and wholesome doctrine. With such crooked and sinuous twisting these slippery snakes glide away unless they are boldly pursued, caught, and crushed. (John Calvin, Institutes I.xiii.4)
Back to Basics explained
Was he JUST like us?
Dangerous Dawning
Slogans are dangerous things. But they are also useful things. Great movements and companies and even nations often develop slogans. ‘In God We Trust’ is a slogan. It can be a dangerous slogan when taken one way: “Nothing can stop us with God on our side!”—a statement of pride and self satisfaction.
Breaking the Mould
Building the Christian library: Systematic Theology (In Understanding Be Men)
In Understanding Be Men
T.C. Hammond (IVP)
There are many books on Christian doctrine, but the one to start with is In Understanding Be Men. It is thoroughly Evangelical. Hammond’s intention was to present “the main outline of evangelical thought”. (more…)
Our community is both fascinated and repulsed by the cults, but what should our attitude be? Should Evangelicals be persecuting and seeking to eradicate the cults? Or is religious freedom a more important principle? The Briefing examines the issues.