Monthly Archives: September 2006
Let them marinate!
Reaching people from a Catholic background
Confessions of an ex-Roman Catholic
Is the Reformation over?
Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom contend that because differences between Roman Catholics and evangelicals have lessened,the Reformation is basically over. Are they right?
Where are all the women priests?
On the dangers of Christian shorthand
The last days before labour
Couldn't Help Noticing
Love your neighbour (and his pets)
Couldn't Help Noticing
Beware that bandwagon
Couldn't Help Noticing, Sola Panel
I love a bandwagon as much as the next man. There’s a certain satisfaction to be gained from jumping on board the happy caravan as it passes by, to the cheers and back-slapping of your new fellow passengers. And as you join in shouting to the onlookers that they should jump on board too, there’s a delicious feeling of belonging to the righteous brotherhood of the truly aware. (more…)