Category Archives: Worship
God is in the house
Everyday Ministry
With songs like ‘Here I am to worship’ and ‘Shout to the Lord’ dominating the playlist in our church meetings, what are we to make of the influx of pentecostal music into our churches? Emu Music Director Philip Percival takes a look at the score and sounds a cautionary note.
Should we sing Hillsong songs?
Worshipping with contentment
Couldn't Help Noticing
Can 2000 years of history be wrong?
Couldn't Help Noticing
What’s next for church?
The gathering
Experimenting with gatherings
Church and worship
Church and worship
Worship III: The gathering-thinking afresh about church
Everyday Ministry, Sola Panel
In this third and final essay in the series, Tony Payne looks at how the Bible describes our Christian gatherings, and what practical difference it might make.