Christ and culture re-thought

For the last 50 years or so, H Richard Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture has dominated most Christian thinking on the relationship between Christ and culture. Scott Newling examines two books which seek to break away from this paradigm.

Culture Matters: A Call for Consensus on Christian Cultural Engagement (more…)

Matters of indifference?


When Christians disagree, often it is helpful to sort the important from the unimportant, the essential from the indifferent. But what criteria should we use to do this? Mark Thompson investigates.


Fight the good fight (part 1): A time to break down and a time to build up

Life, Sola Panel

Are Christians these days too critical of each other, too ready to oppose and too ready to be negative? You could certainly find plenty of evidence to support this claim. Then again, are Christians these days so polite, inoffensive and unwilling to stand for the truth, they end up being nicer than Jesus? A fair-sized dossier could be assembled in support of this contention as well. So which is it be, nasty or nice?


When too much sport is barely enough


“Football is not a matter of life and death; it’s far more important that that!” said Bill Shankley, former manager of Liverpool Football Club. This may seem extreme, but what should our attitude as Christians be towards sport, both as participants and as spectators?


Being biblical or doing what works (part 1): Do we have to choose?

Thought, Sola Panel

In this first part of a two part article, we ask how you can know whether your life and ministry are genuinely biblical. Is it method? Is it results? Is it some kind of warm feeling of assurance? Do we in fact need to look to the Bible to work out how to conduct ministry, or is it an area where pragmatic thinking is our best tool?
