Category Archives: Training
Calling the ministry doctor
Factotum #10: Christian modelling
Everyday Ministry
One of the graduates of MTS was a male model before training for the ministry. As far as I know, this experience has not contributed greatly to his training. But modelling is an important feature of Christian ministry in the New Testament.
Factotum #9: Ministry apprentices
Pastoral Ministry
Apprenticeships are a familiar part of our community life. It is a well-established model of education and training where the master craftsman passes on his knowledge and skills to the trainee. Before our more formal educational institutions arose, apprenticing was the way craft and knowledge were handed down.
A Growing Concern
More than two ways
Hands on the future
Tackling the new Christian
The making of ‘The Two Ways to Live Training Video’
How to Train Bible Study Leaders
A spurious letter
The letter reprinted below was passed onto us by a Sydney Curate, who alleges it was written by a high-ranking Australian denominational official. While entertaining some doubts as to the document’s authenticity, we thought it worth publishing as a cri de coeur…