Category Archives: Roman Catholicism
The God who is here
We seek him here,
We seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere,
Is he in Heaven?
Is he in Hell?
That demmed elusive PIMPERNEL
Evangelizing Roman Catholics
Everyday Ministry
Jacko, a conscientious Christian, boarded his morning train to Uni and spotted Patrick (a Roman Catholic) sitting at the end of the carriage. It was Patrick’s book, peeping out of his backpack, which gave him away: an immaculate Jerusalem Bible, its pristine pages devoid of sweat from foraging fingers.
RCs in Hot Water over Hell
The Medjugorje Message
Protestants? No, Proclaimers!
Tolerant Catholics?
Taking the protest out of Protestant
Now that everyone calls themselves ‘evangelicals’, Bible-believing Christians are left to cast around for a new, distinctive name that captures their emphasis. Perhaps that old chestnut ‘Protestant’ could be a candidate. But these days, is Roman Catholicism still worth protesting about? This is the second of two articles about Roman Catholicism—the first appeared in Briefing #36.
When in Rome …
Thought, Sola Panel
With the Archbishop of Canterbury seemingly ready to defer to the Bishop of Rome, Protestant-Catholic relations are back on the agenda. Rome seems to be changing, but by how much and in what direction? The Briefing looks at some of the issues.