Relishing the Reformation

Pastoral Ministry

Nigel Fortescue came out of Bible college full of ideas, enthusiasm and a big vocabulary. Thanks to the wisdom of the Reformation, he gradually learnt that the big issues of ministry had not, and do not, change.


Editing sermons

Pastoral Ministry, Sola Panel

Being an editor doesn’t have many occupational hazards. A bladder weakened by coffee over-consumption perhaps; or bruises on the upper arm from having been punched by your teenagers for pointing out yet another appalling lapse of grammar or pronunciation on their part. (more…)

Preaching Christ as Lord


We do not preach ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord. (2 Cor 4:5)

This is the way the Apostle Paul describes his preaching amongst the Corinthians. Earlier on in the chapter, he tell us that he has turned his back on any other preaching except the plain statement of the truth. He assumes that there is a truth to be told. It can be known and it can be verified.
