The masculine mandate


The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men
Richard Phillips
Reformation Trust Publishing, Florida, 2010, 175pp.

The Christian world needs a collection of good books for men, so that we can work out how to be God’s men in a fallen world that seems hell-bent on confusing us. The Masculine Mandate by Richard Phillips should be one of these books. (more…)

Duty first

Men: Firing Through All of Life

Al Stewart

Blue Bottle Books, Sydney, 2007, 168pp.

Available for ordering from Moore Books

02 9577 9966 (more…)

The One Minute Bible Study

Everyday Ministry

Especially for men who need to rediscover their love of God’s word

For many men, the 2.4 kids, job promotion and house in the suburbs are accompanied by a dramatic decline in meeting with others to read the Bible.


Factotum #11: Models for men’s groups

Everyday Ministry

Speaker at men’s function: You really must be aiming to lead your family spiritually. Get the Bible out after dinner, and work through a passage with your wife and kids. Make every effort to teach them the things of God.
