The alternative society

Thought, Sola Panel

In a recent Briefing, Sandy McMillan encouraged us to take Christ’s love commandment seriously. He urged us not to so overreact to the wonky theology of some that we retreat into loveless, blinkered inactivity when faced with the pressing needs of those around us. Put simply, we need to love our neighbours in word and deed, as Christ has done, and as he has commanded us to do.


Does their worm really die?


Hell isn’t something many of us like to ponder in our spare hours. However, sometimes its horror is hard to get out of our heads. Concern for the dreadful fate of the unsaved, or a simple fear of our own destiny can, at times, be overwhelming. The topic of hell and punishment has arisen with considerable frequency in the last six months. Dr James Packer chose to speak on this in his public lecture at Enfield. At the second Katoomba Youth Convention weekend in January, question time was filled with inquiries about this very issue. Although unmentionable in most secular circles, Christians sense a need to understand this aspect of eschatology.


Is God a greenie?


Whose side are you on: the loggers or the greenies? Conservation has become a major political issue. The Green Independents hold the balance of power in the Tasmanian government. As Christians, where should we stand on this issue? Is there a distinctive Christian point of view?
