Fighting the new fight

Resource Talk, Sola Panel

If you were a youngish Christian in the 1980s, it is almost certain that, at some point, someone would have pressed a copy of John White’s The Fight into your hands and urged you earnestly to read it. It was simply one of the standard Christian books of the era, and for several good reasons.


Learning to read the Bible one to one

Everyday Ministry

Russell de Vries has known Jesus all his life. He grew up having been taught the gospel by his parents, and remembers car conversations about the sermon and Bible during the trip home from church each Sunday. The Bible was an integral part of church and home life. Yet in spite of all this, the idea of regularly meeting one to one with someone to read God’s word was a totally foreign concept to Russell. (more…)

What ministry is about 5

Pastoral Ministry, Sola Panel

Here’s the fifth of ten propositions about church life and ministry (taken from the forthcoming Matthias Media title, The Trellis and the Vine). The others have been:

  1. Our goal is to make disciples not church members.
  2. Churches tend towards institutionalism as sparks fly upward.
  3. The heart of disciple-making is prayerful speaking of God’s word.
  4. All ministry has the goal of nurturing disciples, not just one-to-one discipling or mentoring.
  5. To be a disciple is to be a disciple-maker:


What ministry is about 4

Pastoral Ministry, Sola Panel

Here’s the fourth of ten propositions about church life and ministry (taken from the forthcoming Matthias Media title, The Trellis and the Vine). Remember, the others have been:

  1. Our goal is to make disciples not church members.
  2. Churches tend towards institutionalism as sparks fly upward.
  3. The heart of disciple-making is prayerful speaking of God’s word.
  4. All ministry has the goal of nurturing disciples, not just one-to-one discipling or mentoring:


What ministry is about 3

Pastoral Ministry, Sola Panel

The story so far: Col Marshall and I are just about to publish a book called The Trellis and the Vine. The final chapter contains ten propositions about church life and ministry that summarize the general argument of the book. I’m running a version of these ten propositions up the flagpole to see what the Sola Panel community makes of them.

So far, we’ve had:

  1. Our goal is to make disciples not church members.
  2. Churches tend towards institutionalism as sparks fly upward.

Proposition 3 is about the heart of disciple-making.


What ministry is about 2

Pastoral Ministry, Sola Panel

The story so far: Col Marshall and I are just about to publish a book called The Trellis and the Vine. The final chapter contains ten propositions about church life and ministry that summarize the general argument of the book. I’m running a version of these ten propositions up the flagpole to see what the Sola Panel community makes of them.

Proposition 1 was: Our goal is to make disciples not church members.

Proposition 2 is about the inevitable drift of churches towards institutionalism.


What ministry is about

Pastoral Ministry, Sola Panel


Over the past six months or so, I’ve been co-authoring a book about ministry with Colin Marshall. It’s been, by turns, exhilarating and infuriating, clarifying and frustrating. This is not, I should hasten to add, because Col is difficult to work with. He is in fact one of the wisest, kindest and most godly coots you could ever meet. But all big writing projects have their good days and bad days, and this one has had its share of both. Perhaps it’s because the book really goes to the heart of what Christian ministry is all about, what church life is about, and (for that matter) what Matthias Media is for and why we bother to do what we do. It’s a project that is close to the heart and close to the bone all at the same time.

The book is called The Trellis and the Vine: The ministry mind shift that changes everything, and it’s due to be published in a few months’ time. In the final chapter, we sum up the main argument of the book with ten propositions. By way of a taster, and to promote some discussion, I thought I’d run a slightly adapted version of these ten propositions up the flagpole and see what our SP readers make of them.


Ministry in the year of swine flu

Pastoral Ministry, Sola Panel


Try this mental experiment. Imagine that a swine flu pandemic swept through your part of the world, and that all public assemblies of more than three people were banned. And let’s say that, due to some catastrophic combination of local circumstances, this ban had to remain in place for 12 months.

How would your congregation of 120 members continue to function—with no regular church gatherings of any kind, and no small home groups (except for groups the size of three)?

If you were the pastor what would you do?


Life Coaches

Everyday Ministry

It is amazing how public opinion can make a complete about-face. It happened with smoking, where it used to be death-defyingly cool, but is now considered brain-defyingly stupid. It happened with ‘spirituality’, which used to be a word of ridicule among intellectuals, but is now a thing to be admired and sought after (as long as it doesn’t take a too definite shape).
