Category Archives: Culture
Chopping Poppies: Australian culture in church life
Should we write ‘Christian’ fiction?
Wisdom Hunter
By Randall Arthur
I like computers. Eight years ago I bought one on which to write talks and to catalogue books and articles. Four computers later, I have disks full of talks, and have finally begun to catalogue my library. Like many computer users, I have tried out a few of the thousands and thousands of public domain or ‘shareware’ programs that are available for computer users. Basically, these programs are written by people with various degrees of expertise who then circulate their program in the public domain. If you like what they’ve done and would like to use it on a regular basis, you pay a reasonable registration fee and receive a manual and any upgrades that might be forthcoming.
Is Francis Schaeffer a Prophet of Culture?
Doing the Weeding
Strangers in a Strange Land
It is no Dream
Australia’s Changing Face
Sex and Margaret Mead
From every nation: A Christian multiculturalism
The Italians
Speaking the truth in love
Everyday Ministry
Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible … I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. (1 Cor 9:19, 22)
How to tell light from dark with your eyes closed
Ford Dodges History
Was it Henry Ford who observed that “History is bunk”? Henry, of course, has long since laid down in his own bunk, but perhaps his idea is worth considering. (more…)