The Prayer of Jabez and other misuses of the Bible


THE Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life
Bruce H. Wilkinson
Multnomah Publishers, 2000.

Hardcover, 96pp.

It is a #1 bestseller in Christian bookstores. In fact, it was a #1 New York Times bestseller. It is a book that promises to revolutionize your life. It is called The Prayer of Jabez. (more…)

The Relationship Between the Testaments: Church


What should Christians do when they meet together? What relationship should there be between the leaders of a congregation and the flock? What is the essence of Christian ministry? What place should ‘worship’ have in the Christian meeting?


Herman who?


‘Hermeneutics’ is a word to impress your friends with—a word to be used with crushing effect in Christian debate (“cannot accept that on hermeneutical grounds”)—a very modern word. ‘Hermeneutics’ is at the centre of a controversy that is sweeping through theological colleges and seminaries throughout the western world, and is filtering into the congregational life of many churches.
