After the NIV: Appendix 1—Gender

Pastoral Ministry, Sola Panel

The NIV11’s approach to gender—variously described as gender neutral, gender inclusive or gender accurate—has been its most controversial aspect and deserves a special comment.

A starting point is to observe that all recent translations, including the ESV and HCSB (e.g. 1 Tim 2:1, 4), are more gender inclusive than the NIV84, when it wasn’t an issue. As Rod Decker suggests, “The issue involved is not if some form of inclusive language should be used, but what specific types of language are legitimate and how extensive should they be.” (more…)

After the NIV, then what?

Pastoral Ministry

Sometime soon every church that uses the NIV for their public reading and preaching of Scripture will have to decide on a new English version. Sandy Grant looks at the options, and the implications. (more…)

SSM – Not Again

Life, Thought, Sola Panel

Friends, this is a post I’d prefer to avoid. Same-sex marriage (SSM) is not something I want to focus on. But we don’t always get to choose which issues to discuss. And SSM really is the issue of the times. Everyone agrees, even if they’re weary of the topic. (more…)

Psalm 46:10 – Stop Fighting

Thought, Sola Panel

Like many people on September 11, my thoughts turned to the Scriptures.

In particular, I wondered what I should read to our congregations, since the ten year anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington occurred on a Sunday. (more…)

What are we reading in Oz?

Life, Review, Sola Panel

It seems the new Briefing is getting into the analysis business, so I thought I’d have a go in regards to Christian literature in Australia. (more…)

A tribute to John Stott

Life, Sola Panel

Friends, I’m not ashamed to say I shed a tear when I opened up my computer on Thursday morning to read that John Stott had died, aged 90, and gone to be with the Lord.


Bible reading with kids

Everyday Ministry, Sola Panel

I was asked for recommendations for resources that would encourage parents to read the Bible with their kids, especially in the six-to-ten-year-old age range. I can think of several, most of which my family has tried.


Encouraging leaders to step up

Pastoral Ministry, Sola Panel

A young man doing MTS recently emailed me to ask this question:

I’ve just read your blogs and review of Leadership on the Front Foot and I had a question. As your review stated, it seems to be a book aimed at new ministers of the gospel. So, having not read the book, I don’t think it seems to be a good book to get information on encouraging young men (university age) to step up and lead. Here lies my question: is my assessment a fair one and, if it is, can you recommend a book that would/could be useful in the situation I’ve outlined?

Before you read on, what would your answer be? What book would you suggest to enthuse a man in his late teens or early twenties in taking responsibility in leadership in gospel ministry?

Death in Romans

Thought, Sola Panel

Did you know that Paul’s letter to the Romans contains about half of all his references to death and dying?

For various reasons—mainly being committed to a team pulpit ministry—I didn’t preach over the last Easter weekend. Or rather, my Easter sermon was delivered the Wednesday before the weekend at our monthly mid-week friendship service to 21 precious frail-aged seniors (the oldest was 101 years old) and their helpers (all women!). (more…)

Descent into hell

Thought, Sola Panel


Recently on a feedback card at church, someone commented:

“I thought Jesus didn’t descend into hell! Just that he suffered the death we deserved.”

The answer is: yes and no! The question raises complex issues that cannot be easily answered in a short space.

So let me take a long space. (And if you are interested, read on, read slowly, and re-read if you need!)


Answering questions for yourself

Everyday Ministry, Sola Panel

For the first time I can recall, I recently received questions via our church comment cards about the non-sermon Bible reading. It was Galatians 3:15-25! Normally questions are from the sermon passage—things the preacher has not covered or were not clear on. But it’s good to be attentive to the other Bible reading too!

However, I want to encourage people to see if they can answer their questions for themselves, rather than just asking the pastoral staff. (I still answered the questions though as worked examples!)


Please be a sceptic

Life, Sola Panel


Because I am a pastor and maintain a church email group list with large numbers on it, I receive lots of ‘pass it on’ emails. Dozens and dozens.

My kids get even more of these chain emails, urging them to pass on the contents from their friends. Some are harmless, some are enjoyable. Others are false or a waste of time. Some are more sinister.
