Worship and an affectionate evangelicalism 2

Everyday Ministry

In my last post I challenged the widely held view that ‘worship’ is an all-of-life activity. That assertion was not at all denying the call of God for his people to live lives of complete obedience to him in heart, mind and action—the right and proper response to being saved. Rather, I was contending that the Bible does not see such obedience as ‘worship’ so much as ‘service’. (more…)

Worship and an affectionate evangelicalism 1

Everyday Ministry

Thanks Tony, for dumping me in it to revive the debate on ‘worship’ language! I guess I am happy to put my neck on the block because I believe this to be an issue that is still current—whether people think it is or not. I would like, eventually, to get to discuss whether there can be such a thing as an affectionate evangelicalism without being charismatic. But understanding the worship thing is, I think, fairly foundational to getting to that point. I apologize in advance that it will take more than one post to unravel my thoughts on all this. (more…)

God is in the house

Everyday Ministry

With songs like ‘Here I am to worship’ and ‘Shout to the Lord’ dominating the playlist in our church meetings, what are we to make of the influx of pentecostal music into our churches? Emu Music Director Philip Percival takes a look at the score and sounds a cautionary note.
