I recently read with interest an article in The Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend Magazine, entitled ‘Through Islamic Eyes’ (1 Dec 2001). It was a very enlightening article, but not in the way intended by the author. In fact, it shed little light on the nature of Islam but spoke volumes about life in today’s Australia.
Archives: philip-miles
Problems with ‘the call’
Everyday Ministry
It was a happy day for Art and Zelda when they attended the special missionary meeting held at their church. It was there that they first felt specially called by God to go into missionary service. From that time on, they began to speak to others, especially those with a burden for missions, about missionary work and where they might be able to serve. Gradually their sense of call became focused on a particular country, and they found their way to a missionary society which could help them obey that call.
You CAN get there from here
Everyday Ministry
“Where do you want to go?” the old farmer responded. He leaned a little farther out from his car window and listened again to the hitch-hiker’s question. “No, no,” he replied at last with a wry smile, “No, I’m sorry: you can’t get there from here”.