It’s been my privilege in two previous issues to be your tour guide for a quick trip through Jeremiah—more of a scenic flight than a safari. Today our tour ends with the book’s final chapters—but here’s the story so far. (more…)
Archives: andrew-shead
Forgiveness in the words of Jeremiah
In the first leg of our journey through Jeremiah we focused on the man and his preaching of judgement. We will now do a bit of touring through the middle chapters, but most of our time will be spent on just half a verse—a promise:
Judgement in the words of Jeremiah
It is a hardy adventurer who decides to brave the book of Jeremiah. Yet we need to hear what Jeremiah has to tell us because a gospel emptied of the wrath of God is a gospel emptied of truth and power. (more…)
Heather has two mommies
Since its beginnings in a Greenwich Village bar in 1969, the gay liberation movement has snowballed into a social force which is changing the basic values and structures of our society, from the family right through to state institutions. For example, legislation pending in the United States Congress proposes to fully legitimise homosexuality as a sanctioned alternative lifestyle.