One Land, One Saviour

One Land, One Saviour: Seeing Aboriginal lives transformed by Christ

Peter Carroll and Steve Etherington (eds.)

Church Missionary Society, (
Sydney, 2008, 246 pp. (more…)

The subversive


You know subversives. They are the people who quietly undermine stable government and accepted institutions. They’re usually regarded as a threat to all that is good and ordered in society. They’re a threat, because they want to turn everything on its head.


When does life begin? The archbishop’s fiat


We have recently witnessed the interesting spectacle of someone trying to justify a moral position purely on the basis of science, without reference to ethics or religion. Finding ‘viability’ to be a dubious basis for defining human life, Kristina Kerscher Keneally attempts a moral critique of embryonic stem-cell research, but without standing on traditional moral platforms:


One nation before God


“God’s own country”.

So declared the recent front-page headline of our local newspaper, over a colour picture of a lone figure on a beautiful dusk-coloured beach. While I have often heard people refer to this area by that phrase, as front-page news it somehow feels official now: God lives in Sutherland Shire, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
