‘Just how sovereign is God?’ and ‘Doing little things well’


A couple of things ‘got me started’ in Up Front (January 2009). Jean Williams (‘Just how sovereign is God?’) wrote a timely reminder of how vital it is to immerse oneself in the knowledge that God is sovereign, and I agree with most of what was written. I did find myself wondering, however, if there was a more nuanced way of understanding God’s sovereignty over the ‘big history’ events and over “the small, everyday occurrences of life”. God’s ultimate purposes cannot be thwarted, but God’s sovereignty does not necessarily mean that every event in our lives is pre-ordained (as seems to be suggested by the quote from Spurgeon with which the article begins). God’s sovereignty does mean, however, that he is able to work all things together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose (Rom 8:28). This applies equally to the ‘big’ and the ‘little’ things of life. Sometimes we mess up: we sin, we fall short, we rebel against his will, we find ourselves in a quandary, or out of fuel miles from a petrol station with young children in the car. We become ill (whether from a cold or cancer). Tragedy strikes. I take comfort not in knowing that God necessarily meant such things to be, but that he is able to make even these things work together for his glory and my eternal good. (more…)