How Certain Can You Be?

Everyday Ministry

When your friend asks you to prove the existence of God, ask him to prove that his wife loves him.

Proving the existence of God is a strange task, along the lines of proving that my wife loves me. However, we are called upon to do it from time to time by our non-Christian friends. “How can you be so certain?” they ask. “What if you’re just imagining it all? How can you prove to me that this God of yours exists?”


Two Ways to Apologize

Everyday Ministry, Sola Panel

Defining terms

Evangelism—telling people the good news of what God has done in Christ and calling on them to repent and put their trust in him. Evangelism involves both giving information and making invitation. (more…)

Heaven is for sinners


I was talking to a group of students. “Good people go to hell”, I said. “The only people who go to Heaven are bad people.”


Who was Jesus?


Who was Jesus? asked the cover of TIME magazine in August, 1988.

The TIME article was provoked by the release of Martin Scorcese’s sensational new movie The Last Temptation of Christ, in which Jesus is portrayed as having sexual fantasies. According to reports, the film is irreverent, even blasphemous, and will prove to be deeply offensive to Christians.


I’d like an Argument please, Mr Hinch

After increasing irritation, a Briefing article, and a letter to Derryn Hinch, Ross Nicholson found himself on national television…

Three and a half million TV viewers sit primed ready to enjoy a bit of controversy. Current affairs programmers scour the papers, news bulletins, letters to editors or letters from viewers to feed this desire. It’s called the ratings game. The gospel doesn’t rate so the television medium is almost a closed shop to any presentation of the gospel in prime time. (more…)