Category Archives: Apologetics
Telling Buddhists about Jesus
Everyday Ministry
The first person to attempt to talk to me about the Lord Jesus was a young American woman who was part of a team of missionaries visiting the university at which I was studying. I was sitting on my own at a table in one of the cafeterias when she came over, sat down and said that she was interested in talking to people about what they believed. I explained to her briefly that I was a Buddhist and what that entailed. Her response? “Well, that’s ridiculous!” Out of pity, I resolved to indulge her for as long as she wanted to hang around. I hoped that it would not be long, and it wasn’t.
The Hard Ask: Blaming evil on society
Everyday Ministry
My friends think that people are fundamentally good and that society is to blame for evil. What can I say to them?
Strengthening the Christian Worldview
Was he JUST like us?
Martian exploits
From Euthanasia to the Gospel
Everyday Ministry, Sola Panel
You’ve invited the neighbours over for dinner. Dessert has been successfully concluded, and the kids have retired to their bedroom where they are conducting experiments in paint durability under various impact scenarios. The coffee orders are being taken. As it so often does, the conversation is meandering down loosely connected paths and byways, and your dreams of perhaps talking about the gospel (or even something vaguely Christian) seem to be fading faster than the paint in the kids’ bedroom.
Top Shelf: Jesus the Man (Review)
Books about the historical Jesus tend to come out of a ‘position’ about him, depending on whether or not the authors have accepted the Gospels’ presentation of the Man.
Simply convincing
The Truth about Jesus
Paul Barnett
Aquila Press, Sydney, 1994.
$14.95. 164pp.
Paul Barnett has developed a reputation for thorough, persuasive and easily understood presentations of the truth of biblical history. His previous books, whether commentaries or history or apologetics, have all defended a reasonable belief in the events that the New Testament describes.
Terry Lane – The Review
Doing what works
A Christian and a philosopher
Philosophy? You mustn’t be serious!
Please Send Money (P.S. I love you)
Everyday Ministry
A poverty-stricken student reaches the end of her financial resources and writes home, appealing for money. If we were so rude as to open her letter (or if we were to receive it!), what would we find? What sort of letter would it be? How would she persuade her parents to hand over the cash? What sort of techniques would she employ?