Flexibility and the theological college express

Pastoral Ministry

Apparently the (or a) problem that is restricting churches growing is now the ‘inflexibility’ of the theological college. If ever we want to grow better (read ‘bigger’ or ‘more’; these words are now interchangeable) churches then we need to have a ‘flexible’ theological college.


To mourn or not to mourn?


I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who told me this story:

I was in a prayer meeting this week with a lady who asked us to pray for her relationship with her parents. They were getting divorced after having been married for several decades. She doesn’t live at home anymore. And she talked about the whole thing quite matter-of-factly. I told her that that was really sad, and the sharing of prayer points moved on to the next person.


The fear of man

Life, Sola Panel

Nicole’s challenging thoughts on appreciation and approval have motivated me to finish off a little post I’ve had sitting in my file for several weeks. It’s about the same topic, but from the opposite side—not so much the praise and approval of man, but the fear of man. (more…)

Christian modelling (Factotum #10)

Everyday Ministry

This week’s blast from the past raises the issue of what models we look to as Christians. Enjoy.

Who are our models?

Who should Christians be looking to as models or examples of the Christian way of life? The following section provides a Bible search on the subject of modelling and imitation. You might like to work through it in a study group.


Talking about money in church

Pastoral Ministry

The regular ‘money spot’ can be one of the most awkward and divisive moments in the life of a church. The time comes for the person responsible to update the church on its financial health, and in most cases, to urge an increase in giving to meet the shortfall. That update begins to increase in frequency as the urgency of the situation intensifies. (more…)

All we like sheep have gone astray … from basic Bible literacy?


All we, like sheep, have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.

So wrote GF Handel in the second chorus of Part II of his great oratorio Messiah. Keen readers may have spotted that this is not an original thought; Handel drew on Isaiah 53:4-6. In fact, Messiah is fundamentally a musical Bible study on the saving work of Jesus, and it is often performed at Easter, so get along if you can. (Here’s a performance for Sydney readers.) (more…)

Culturally engaged?

Everyday Ministry

In my post a little while ago about Driscoll’s New Calvinism, I noted that I had some more things to say about the current catchphrase ‘cultural engagement’. Given that the spur to write about cultural engagement came from Driscoll’s post, it might be reasonable to assume that my beef is with him. So I guess I want to say at the start that my comments about this aren’t directed particularly at Driscoll at all; it was just that he happened to use a phrase that, I admit, I find a little unhelpful. It’s a line that everyone everywhere seems to be using. And apparently it’s good if you do it and bad if you don’t, but what I want to know is what on earth does it mean? (more…)

Looking back, looking forward

Thought, Sola Panel

Whenever I look back over the history of The Briefing—all 366 issues, all 21 years—I find it almost impossible to resist thinking about my eldest daughter, who (like The Briefing) was born in April 1988. In fact, I’ve used the image so often in the past, I’m sure long-term readers are heartily sick of it by now. (more…)

“What do you say when…?” Bus stop graffiti

Everyday Ministry

As promised in Paul Grimmond’s article ‘Where to from here?’ (also in issue #367), we’ve got one more new feature to unveil. As we’ve talked about speaking God’s life-changing word in any and every situation, we’ve realized that there are lots of opportunities to speak God’s truth in everyday conversation—like when your taxi driver complains about the mess the government is making in dealing with the financial crisis, or when your neighbour confides that his work is going pretty badly. But these opportunities are usually gone by the time you’ve thought of something worthwhile to say.


Actually do it

Up front, Sola Panel

These three words are the secret to success in a multitude of circumstances. It’s certainly true of writing. When someone comes to me (as they quite often do), indicating their desire to be a writer, and then asks me how to go about it, I have only these three words to say to them: actually do it. (more…)



Just wanted to say how impressed we were that you have an option to share old articles in your library via Facebook. Although personally I think Facebook is a tool of Satan, my wife loves it, and being able to quickly share articles for discussion and use in the church is a great benefit. Thanks for your technological insight. (more…)

Appreciating access

Up front

Last year Cathy and I had the opportunity to go and see Australian Idol live in the studio. (To tell you the truth, I’m not that into that whole thing.) But whether you’re into it or not, I have to admit it was kind of fun. We didn’t just go as part of the crowd, but as VIPs. We have a friend who works for one of the corporate sponsors of the series, and she got us the tickets. When we arrived, there were two lines to gain access to the studio—the long line for the plebs and the short line for the corporate sponsors. So while hundreds of people lined up behind the barricades, we ambled leisurely along the red carpet and were ushered straight to our seats while everyone else was kept standing outside. It’s funny how the human heart works: we weren’t special—there was no particular reason for us to be there, except that we had a friend; but I could really get used to being treated like that. It’s fun to feel important. (more…)

Where to from here?

Resource Talk

As part of the 21st anniversary issue, Paul Grimmond shares his vision for the future of The Briefing, and tells us how we can be a part of it.
