Why I hate pornography


I hate pornography!

I hate it for all the sorts of reasons that you might have guessed. I hate the exploitation of women and the cheapening of sexuality. I hate the cheap label it places on love. I hate it because I love women—I have a mum and a sister; I have dear female friends and sisters in Christ; and if I can one day convince someone to marry an old sinner like me (25, single, good-looking, likes walking and romantic dinners), I will have a wife.


The One Minute Bible Study

Everyday Ministry

Especially for men who need to rediscover their love of God’s word

For many men, the 2.4 kids, job promotion and house in the suburbs are accompanied by a dramatic decline in meeting with others to read the Bible.


The trouble with travel


I’ve just spent a few weeks travelling and I’ve made a discovery: travelling and church-going don’t mix well. I found that it involved about 45,000 times more effort on my part to go to any church … let alone a church with good teaching! It wasn’t just a problem with my own motivation, either, or the distractions around me. I stayed with people who don’t go to church. I found it physically difficult to get around in some cities. There were obstacles at every turn.


Diary of an urban parson

Everyday Ministry

In which one such pilgrim records a month’s worth of the blessings and travails of daily Christian service, and in which he demonstrates for us his theology in action.


Time …  and what to do with it


It is our greatest asset and worst enemy. Time. We all feel it slipping away; we all feel its pressure. But David Andrew thinks we don’t grasp the fact that the gospel of Jesus should change the way we understand time and how we use it.
