When Christians disagree

Life, Sola Panel

In Mark chapter 9, the apostles encounter an alarming scene—they find someone casting out demons in the name of Jesus without official authorization. After a stop-work meeting, they decide that the scab exorcist is acting outside the provisions of the award and should desist immediately or face a campaign of rolling stoppages.


John Wimber changes his mind


Just prior to the Spiritual Warfare Conference in March, John Wimber met with three of Sydney’s leading evangelicals. The discussions, which lasted just under three hours, were requested by some Sydney people who had reservations about the Signs and Wonders ministry. Present at the meeting with John Wimber were Jack Deere and Paul Cain from the Vineyard Ministries, Dan Armstrong from Kairos, and John Woodhouse, David Cook and Phillip Jensen from Sydney. Although the meeting was conducted privately at John Wimber’s hotel it was agreed from the outset that what was said privately would be published openly later. Careful notes were made of the discussion.
