I am pleased to announce that on Monday 5th May, Matthias Media will release Women, Sermons and the Bible: Essays Interacting with John Dickson’s Hearing Her Voice (edited by Peter Bolt and Tony Payne).
The collection not only responds to the main arguments of Hearing Her Voice (regarding whether women should give sermons in the regular Sunday gathering), but also bounces off this specific question to consider some larger issues, such as:
- how we should apply the Bible to church life now
- what part teaching/preaching plays in the shepherd-leadership of congregations
- what the Bible as a whole teaches about gender and ministry.
Women, Sermons and the Bible features contributions from (among others) Claire Smith, Peter Bolt, Mark Thompson and Lionel Windsor, and will be published initially as an ebook available for download at Matthias Media, as well as through the normal Kindle and iBook channels. Plans for a paper edition later this year are still in train.
The introduction and first chapter will be available for free download from the Matthias Media online store on Wednesday 30th April.
Table of contents:
Introduction: Ordinary and unusual
Part I: Setting the scene
1 Doing theology in a digital culture (Peter Tong)
2 One woman’s voice: some personal reflections on the realities of complementarian ministry (Dani Treweek)
Part II: Biblical and historical arguments
3 Unchanged ‘teaching’: The meaning of didaskō in 1 Timothy 2:12 (Claire Smith)
4 Can the Old Testament be ‘taught’? (Claire Smith)
5 Is the modern sermon an ‘exhortation’? (Claire Smith)
6 Reading God’s history as our good news (Peter G Bolt)
Part III: Reflections on method and theology
7 God’s word then and now (Tony Payne)
8 Preachers and leaders (Lionel Windsor)
9 The theological ground of evangelical complementarianism (Mark D Thompson)
Appendix: Observations from the second edition (Claire Smith)
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