An interview with Peter Sholl

Today we interview Peter Sholl.

Pete, how did you come to Christ?

I grew up in country New South Wales in a Christian household. As a family, we’d head off to church and Sunday school every Sunday without fail. I knew Jesus personally, and I trusted that he knew what was best for my life.

When I was 17, I moved to Sydney to study engineering at the University of New South Wales, living in New College. The first night I was there, an upper year student (who is now the rector of All Saint’s Petersham in Sydney) stood up and announced that a group was going to church and that anyone was welcome to come. This was a significant moment for me as my family wasn’t with me any more; I could do what I liked!

I went to church, and over the next four years as a student, was fed a hearty diet of Bible at church and in small groups. These were very important years for me; they gave me a great grounding for Christian growth as I moved into my 20s and beyond.

How do you occupy your time?

I’m a missionary with CMS. We (my wife Sarah and my three girls) live in Monterrey in northern Mexico, where we are all currently going to school—Sarah and I to language school and the girls to regular (Spanish) school. Once I have some understanding of Spanish, I’ll be running the Moore College External Studies Program in Latin America.

Tell us a bit about your background or other interests.

Before living in Mexico, I was the rector of St Matthew’s Ashbury in Sydney. I studied at Moore College in the late 90s and enjoyed pastoral work in Sydney. I was also involved in Katoomba Men’s Convention, and enjoyed playing my viola in the St Andrew’s Cathedral Easter production of ‘The Messiah’ each year.

I also enjoy most sports, and will watch anything that involves a ball being kicked, passed, thrown or caught. To relax, I enjoy a good long run.

What are some books that have really helped you grow as a Christian?

What are you reading now?

Stephen J Nichols, Jesus made in America—a really interesting analysis of how American Christianity has become what it is today.

What websites do you check religiously?

What would your friends say are your hobbyhorses?

For people to have a global gospel vision: too often I hear people being so caught up in their own backyard that they forget that there is a big world out there—a world where most don’t have a hundredth of what we have in terms of Christian resources and opportunities.

What’s something that makes you angry?

People saying, “Yes, that will all be fine” when they know full well it won’t be.

Who inspires you?

Ziel Machado, the secretary of IFES Latin America. The work he is trying to do to encourage evangelism and Christian living among the very worldly student population of Latin America is inspiring.

What is your ideal day off?

A run before breakfast, followed by a family adventure exploring the mountains in Mexico. A bit of a snooze late afternoon, a dinner wonderfully cooked by Sarah (roast lamb is best, but that’s impossible here), then an episode of a current DVD series (currently The Eagle).

Give us your top five memorable sporting moments.

  1. John Aloisi’s goal that put Australia into the World Cup finals.
  2. Steve Waugh’s offside drive for 100 off the last ball vs. England at the SCG.
  3. Michael Bevan’s straight drive to win against the West Indies, SCG, January 1996.
  4. The Castrol Oilers making the Sydney Basketball 6th Grade Men’s comp Grand Final after 32 seasons of trying. (We lost!)
  5. Running a personal best 2:36 marathon (Melbourne, 1993).

Thanks, Pete!

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