Beijing Olympics and persecution

The approach of the Beijing Olympics is a worthwhile time to remember the persecution of Christians in China. According to this summary report from Voice of the Martyrs, “There are more Christians in prison in China than any other country in the world”.

Not surprisingly for Western Christians, reports in the secular media have focussed either on the Olympics themselves, or, if the spotlight has been turned on the government, on the persecution of Tibetans, and occasionally on members of the Falun Gong movement. In the last few days, the major issue seems to have been internet access for journalists. (Who says journalists are self-centred and myopic in their concerns? There are probably some who aren’t)

It’s quite right for Christians to be concerned about these things as well. We want just government, and 1 Timothy 2 commands us to pray for governments; although note that the reason given in verse 4 is God’s desire to see people evangelized and coming to knowledge of salvation. Peaceful, non-persecuting government will make it easier to tell others the gospel.

At any rate, as you marvel at people’s ability to run fast and lift heavy things, spare a thought and a prayer for those who are unable to run fast because they have trusted in the Lord Jesus, and find themselves imprisoned in Chinese labour camps. Use the reminder of the Olympics as an opportunity to find out more about brothers and sisters who are suffering for the Lord, and pray for them too.

And what should we pray for them? Apart from the obvious prayers (like asking God to care for their bodies and souls, and to look after the families of those being persecuted), remember what Paul asked for when he was in chains:

To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. (Eph 6:18-20)

Pray that Chinese government persecution will lead to the greater glory of God, and the salvation of many who need to hear of him. This, after all, is the reason those persecuted have accepted their treatment with joy.

4 thoughts on “Beijing Olympics and persecution

  1. Mainland Chinese Christian friends have told me they fear prosperity more than persecution, and see it as a greater threat to the remarkable growth of the Chinese church.

  2. Yes, I’m sure that the threat of complacency is always there for rich Christians. If it’s not the world and the devil fighting against us, it’s the flesh and the devil. But I don’t want to stop praying for Chinese friends that their persecution will stop and that their bodies will prosper. Maybe just not prosper too much! wink

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