Keith Fifer from Wahroonga sent in the following thoughts. Food for thought…
A CONVERSATION THAT I WOULD DREAD (at the judgement seat of Christ)
JESUS: Let us look back over your life. I notice you spent more time on golf each week than you spent on my work; you spent more time on your boat than on my work; you spent more time at your week- ender than you spent on my work. Why was that?
ME: I don’t know.
JESUS: Does it mean that you thought more of your golf, your boat, or your holiday cottage than you thought of me?
ME: Oh NO!
JESUS: Let us look at how you spent your money. I see you spent more money on each of these discretionary items than you spent on my work also. Does this mean you valued them more highly than you valued me?
ME: I don’t think so. I just didn’t think of it that way?
JESUS: I gave you a very high intelligence, in the top few percent of the population so that you could reason well. Why did you not use that intelligence in this matter?
ME: I just didn’t.
JESUS: Did you not read in my word, in Luke 12:48: “Everyone to whom much is given, of him much will be required”?
ME: Yes, I did.
JESUS: Did you not consider that I gave you much?
ME: I knew you gave me much.
JESUS: We spoke earlier about your time and your money. Who gave you your life, your time, and your money?
ME: You did, Lord.
JESUS: So you understand all that I did for you?
ME: I believe so.
JESUS: Do you understand that I put you first in my life; that I gave up everything for you my house, my family-everything; that I had only the clothes I stood up in; that I was often tired and hungry; that I went without food for forty days; that all my friends deserted me; that I went through the ultimate in degradation and suffering for you? You had first claim on my life, but it seems I had last claim on yours. When every other claim was satisfied, I got what was left over, if there was any.
ME: Please don’t go on Lord, I can’t stand any more…